Are all ANSI pump parts the same? The world’s markets are flooded with knock-offs. Some parts are sand-cast from worn out patterns. Metallurgy may be questionable. Vendors may be offering parts from multiple manufacturing sites whether they know it or not.
Here’s how (OHS) protects you from these issues:
- All (OHS) ANSI pump parts come from one vertically consolidated factory. By this we mean that the engineering, foundry, machining, assembly, testing and repair/service groups are all housed under one roof.
- The factory manufacturers highly engineered pumps for the nuclear, cryogenic and oil & gas (API) industries. If you manufacture highly engineered pumps, producing quality ANSI pump parts and pumps is easy. A manufacturer of inexpensive water pumps moving to mid-market ANSI pump parts and pumps has a steep learning curve.
- All OHS casings (volutes) are pressure tested. Too many end-users have had “off-brand” casings leak on start up. Too many parts corrode too fast due to varying wall thickness and porosity.
- Parts wetted by your process fluid are offered in CD4Mu and CF8M. We etch the material code on our OHS parts to eliminate the problem of lost tags or labels.