Some manufacturers of industrial items don’t have distributor meetings, even electronically. Why is that? How can a company know what is happening without actively soliciting information from as many sources as possible? How can they properly adjust to the rapidly changing conditions in the market without real time and real world input?

Well, here’s another example of how OnHandSupply.net is different. Sure we want to earn and get your kudos. But, more important to us is that we want to know what is not to your liking. We want to know what other products to offer you through this efficient route-to-market. We even want to know where to put additional warehouses. We are not “hard of listening.” E-mail us through the “Contact Us Today” box on the right. Call us. We really want to hear from you.

Join our Advisory Board and have a voice in what you want from a responsive supplier who wants to become a supplier-partner. Packaging? Laser etching? Kitting?

Join our Advisory Board and become part of the Second Industrial Revolution. Learn more about our plans for the future and see how they can benefit you and your organization. Bringing ANSI pump parts and pumps to the market 21st century style is just the start for OHS.

Join our Advisory Board and get benefits. Your time and input have value to us. We want to do more than just say, “Thanks.” If it’s appropriate and affordable, we’ll do it. Help us help you.

 Need help? +1 250 240 6144